Explanation of daylight saving time for Paris
Explanation of daylight saving time for Paris
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

In Paris the time is GMT + 1
Ex : when it’s midday GMT, it’s 1pm in Paris.
In Paris the time is GMT + 2
Ex : when it’s midday GMT, it’s 2pm in Paris.
In France, as in the UK and some other countries, we change to summer time on the last Sunday in March at 2 in the morning, so the clocks are put forward to 3am. Then in preparation for the winter, the clocks go back an hour on the last Sunday in October at 3am, which then becomes 2am.
DST starts on Sunday 27 March 2011, 02:00 local standard time
DST ends on Sunday 30 October 2011, 03:00 local daylight time