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Sales in Paris

Sales in Paris

Sales which are called in French Soldes  are state-regulated in France and generally run during two periods of the year:

  - once in summer around summer day and La Fête de la Musique
 - and once in January, shortly following New Year’s day.


Sales last six weeks and prices are gradually slashed over the course of the sales period. Every shop, department stores, boutiques, designer outlets clear out items from the previous season.




 The 2013 summer sales will begin June 26 and last until July 30, 2013


 The 2014 winter sales in Paris will start January 8 to end February 11, 2014. 



A great occasion to visit Paris and shop… Get ready with our Paris shopping guide



Enjoy les Soldes!!

Your comments : Sales in Paris

- Alix
(3 Jul 2018 - 09:15)
I will be arriving in Paris May 18, 2018 any sales at that time
2017 summer sales
- maureen
(31 Jan 2017 - 13:45)
When is the starting date of summer sales 2017?
Summer sales 2017
- maureen
(31 Jan 2017 - 13:45)
Please advise the Summer sales starting date for 2017. Thanks.
Solds in Paris
- maki in Japan
(28 Oct 2014 - 10:15)
I am planning to go to Paris on 17th - 19th in Jan. Does the department store open during solds even on Sunday?
Personal Shopper
- DH
(9 Aug 2013 - 23:15)
I've never attended the Paris soldes. Is engaging a personal shopper a good idea? If so, any suggestions?
Paris summer 2014 sales
(9 Aug 2013 - 23:15)
On what date do the 2014 summer sals begin?
soldes 2013
- gazal
(6 Jul 2013 - 10:15)
hey ill be travelling this july 2013 can some one please let me know the location of soldes 2013 like which place.... in paris
- glenn
(17 Jun 2013 - 09:30)
When do summer sales start 2013 ?
Great sale
- Rima
(24 Apr 2013 - 08:45)
Where the greatest night sale in June, 27th, 2013?
Summer Sale 26th or 29th??
- M. Garvin
(19 Dec 2012 - 09:15)
I also notice that season sale starts on Wed. which is the 26th, NOT 29th....
Can you please confirm the Summer Sale for 2013?? Thank You!
Paris Summer Sale
(3 Aug 2012 - 09:45)
Can you please confirm the start date of the Paris summer sale? June 26 or 29th?
Arriving August 1st- too late for sales?
- First trip
(17 Jul 2012 - 09:15)
Hello! I am arriving in Paris on August 1st- will all the sales be completely over?
Confirming Date of 2013 Paris Summer sale: June 26 or 29?
- World Traveller
(17 Jul 2012 - 09:15)
I would like to confirm the date of the 2013 Paris Summer Sale? I notice it always starts on a Wednesday, which for 2013 will be June 26. But you posted June 29 which is a Saturday. Is this the official and final start date of the sale? June 29 Saturday? Thank you
Summer sales in Paris
- Anita O.
(20 Jun 2012 - 10:30)
Our 2011 trip was around the time the Paris sales begun. The 21st was the Music Festival and the following day, Wednesday, the 22nd of June 2011 was the first day of sale. I can say from my experience was almost all the stores were on sale. Parisiennes, tourists, foreigners etc. were all over busy with shopping not minding the queues. I would advise anyone to be there a few days before the date to have a look and try on whatever you would like to buy on sale. There will be more choices if one goes early rather than wait till it's almost over.
- Stefan
(21 May 2012 - 20:30)
Hi, I have also planned to go to Paris from 21th to 24th june.. But if the solves will just start the 27th, I might go later in july.. Does someone know if the soldes start maybe some days earlier?
Summer Sale 2012
- Fabby
(29 Apr 2012 - 11:00)
Hi, I'm planning to spend 3 days in Paris from Jun 21-24, please advise if summer sale has started. According to my experience last year, LaFayette and Printemp started summer sale on Jun 22 and most brand shops has started sale early since Jun 21, please advise if this will happen this year
Summer Sales
- Emi
(3 Apr 2012 - 09:15)
I am already planning my Summer vacation in Paris. Unsure when will the sale begin? It was earlier than usual in the past 2 years.
When is 2012 Summer Sale in Paris
- Emi
(3 Apr 2012 - 09:15)
Any idea when will the Summer sale begin? 2nd last Wed in June or the last Wed? Many thanks.
- alex
(31 Oct 2011 - 22:45)
Les Soldes d’hiver 2012 débuteront en France le mercredi 11 janvier 2012 à 8 heures du matin, et finiront le mardi 14 février 2012 inclus.
winter sales 2012??
- when
(29 Sep 2011 - 10:45)
When are the sales 2012 in paris? any idea?
great sales yesterday
- paris!!
(23 Jun 2011 - 14:30)
such a city for sales. Wish i could stay one more day. Next time i'll take 3 days to eevry shop of the city! My favourite was at Bon Marche.

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PRZEMEK - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
ADITYA SINGH - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
LOST - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
Alix - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
aizen - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
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