Cost of living in Paris
Cost of living in Paris
Some idea of prices in Paris
The metro is one of the least expensive in the world. A book of 10 tickets will cost you approximately €10.

Here are some average prices for everyday consumer products:
1 full-price museum admission: €7 to €9.
1 sandwich: around €5.
1 pizza: between €8 and €10
1 small coffee: €1 at the bar, €2 sitting down
1 full meal (starter, main dish, dessert, not including drinks): between €15 and €20 depending on the area.
1 baguette of bread: €0.80
1 beer in a café: €2 to €4
1 seat at the cinema: €9
Going out?
A ticket for the Parisian underground costs €1.40
A litre of unleaded 95 petrol costs more than €1.30
To a see a film will cost between €8 and €10
To attend a concert of a well known artist, you should allow €40 on average
A ticket to visit the Louvre costs €8.50.
To go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower by lift will cost €11.50