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Useful links for disabled in Paris

Useful links for disabled in Paris


Most information for the disabled in Paris takes you to services in French-language only.


Information for the disabled and application forms for the Disabled Persons Card, are available from the centre communal d'action sociale, at your local Mairie, or COTOREP (commission technique d'orientation et de reclassement professionnel). The card provides for discounts and assistance in various areas.


France Telecom has a selection of services for users. Ask for Télécom et Handicaps at your local office.


Travel and tourism info for the disabled is available in a French guide, published by Association France-Handicaps.


Most large towns have a pharmacy or medical supplier for purchase or rental of equipment for the disabled and elderly: wheelchairs (fauteuils-roulants, manuel/électrique), mini-lifts, walkers and general orthopedic equipment. Look in the

Pages Jaunes (French yellow pages) under the heading "Handicapées: matériel et services pour".


The CCAS (Centre Communal d'Actions Sociales) is an organisation which provides practical assistance and social interaction for elderly and disabled people. It also has specialised vehicles for people with reduced mobility. Enquire at your town hall (Mairie).



French Associations for the Disabled and Mobility Reduced French website with general information, articles, recourses and legal information. French website, the "information crossroads" with information on sport and recreation for the physically disabled.


Fédération Française Handisport: French website detailing the national and international programme of sporting activities and events.


Handicap.Gouv: French government website with full details of practical, legal and social relevance to the disabled resident of France.


Handiweb: French website with information and contacts for the disabled person living in France.


Comité National Francais de Liaison pour la Réadaptation des Handicapés.
Tel: 01 53 80 66 66


English Language Library for the Blind
Tel: 01 42 93 47 57


Association des Paralysés de France: French website with news, information and advise for people living with paralysis in France.



Travel and Transport

The Paris public transport system RATP has certain facilities and services for disabled people.

See this page of the RATP website (in French)
Infomobi is a service providing comprehensive information on the travel options and public transport facilities in Paris and the Ile de France for mobility, hearing and sight impaired people.


Tel: 0810 64 64 64 Monday to Saturday (7:00-19:00)

The Association Valentin Haûy provides services to the blind and sight reduced (in French). They produce a métro map in Braille, the Guide du Métropolitain et du RER intégral en Braille available form:
AVH Association Valentin Haüy
At: 5 Rue Duroc (Arr7)
Tel: 01 44 49 27 27
Fax: 01 44 49 27 10


Trains: S.N.C.F.
SNCF railway organisation caters to hearing and sight disabled and the physically disables and wheelchair bound passengers by providing designated spaces and facilities marked in the carriages. in some areas, adapted transport service to the station can be provided.
SNCF's accessibility service for passengers with disabilities.

More information is available on their website
Tel freephone: 08 00 15 47 53.


Car Hire
Europcar and Hertz and some branches of Holiday Cars have adapted cars - brakes and accelerator on steering wheel - available for hire to paraplegic drivers. Car must be reserved 7 days in advance.

Europcar: 0803 352 352
Hertz: 0825 342 343


Cars parked in disabled spaces must display the GIG - GIC disabled sticker in the window. The European Community has proposed that all countries in the EC use a standardised blue disabled person's parking badge. If you are coming to France from another EU country, it would be wise to apply in your home country for this universal  


Blue Badge. It will allow you to use Reserved Parking in France as you would in your home country.

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