Weights and measures in France
Weights and measures in France:
In general, weights & measures in France and the Continent are metric, and temperatures are expressed in degrees Centigrade.
It’s worth noting too, that in France decimals are indicated by a comma and not a point, as in English-speaking countries.
If you come from the United Kingdom or the United States, some of these units of measurement may be a little less familiar, but you will find our conversion tables useful.
Units legally used in business in France
Kilometre | 1000 metres |
Metre |
Decimetre | 1/10 of a metre |
Centimetre | 1/100 of a metre |
Millimetre | 1/1000 of a metre |
Hectare | 100 ares |
Decare | 10 ares |
Are | 100 square metres |
Square metre | An area equal to that of a square each side of which measures one metre |
Square decimetre | 1/100 square metre |
Square centimetre | 1/100 square decimetre |
Square millimetre | 1/100 square centimetre |
Cubic metre | A volume equal to that of a cube each edge of which measures one metre |
Cubic decimetre | 1/1000 cubic metre |
Cubic centimetre | 1/1000 cubic decimetre |
Litre | A cubic decimetre |
Decilitre | 1/10 litre |
Centilitre | 1/100 litre |
Millilitre | 1/1000 litre |
Hectolitre | 100 litres |
Tonne | 1000 kilograms |
Kilogram |
Hectogram | 1/10 kilogram |
Gram | 1/1000 kilogram |
Carat (metric) | 1/5 gram |
Milligram | 1/1000 gram |
Here’s how to convert the metric system of weights and measures into their Imperial equivalents and vice versa:
Unit | Conversion factor | New Unit |
inches | 25.4 | millimetres |
millimetres | 0.0394 | inches |
inches | 2.54 | centimetres |
centimetres | 0.3937 | inches |
feet | 0.3048 | metres |
metres | 3.281 | feet |
yards | 0.9144 | metres |
metres | 1.094 | yards |
miles | 1.609 | kilometres |
kilometres | 0.6214 | miles |
sq inches | 6.452 | sq centimetres |
sq centimetres | 0.155 | sq inches |
sq metres | 10.76 | sq feet |
sq feet | 0.0929 | sq metres |
sq yards | 0.8361 | sq metres |
sq metres | 1.196 | sq yards |
sq miles | 2.589 | sq kilometres |
sq kilometres | 0.3861 | sq miles |
acres | 0.4047 | hectares |
hectares | 2.471 | acres |
cu inches | 16.39 | cu centimetres |
cu centimetres | 0.06102 | cu inches |
cu feet | 0.02832 | cu metres |
cu metres | 35.315 | cu feet |
cu yards | 0.7646 | cu metres |
cu metres | 1.308 | cu yards |
cu inches | 0.01639 | litres |
litres | 61.03 | cu inches |
pints | 0.5682 | litres |
litres | 1.76 | pints |
US pints | 0.47311 | litres |
litres | 2.114 | US pints |
US gallon | 3.785 | liters |
gallons | 4.546 | litres |
litres | 0.02642 | US gallons |
litres | 0.22 | gallons |
grains | 0.0648 | grams |
grams | 15.43 | grains |
ounces | 28.35 | grams |
grams | 0.03527 | ounces |
pounds | 453.6 | grams |
grams | 0.002205 | pounds |
pounds | 0.4536 | kilograms |
kilograms | 2.205 | pounds |
tons | 1016.05 | kilograms |
kilograms | 0.0009842 | tons |
Some examples:
A baguette of bread: 250 g = 8.825 oz
A half of beer: 25 cl = 0.52 US pt or 0.44 UK pt
Eiffel Tower: 324 m = 1063.04 ft
Champs-Elysées: 2 km = 1.24 mi