Paris city guide
Paris city guide
Paris hotels, Tours and Attractions
Paris hotels, Tours and Attractions

Tags search : Notre-Dame

Search for "Notre-Dame" returned 28 matches

Monuments > Place des Vosges

Address : Place des Vosges
Metro/Bus : Bastille, Saint-Paul, Chemin Vert

Place des Vosges is the oldest square in Paris

Restaurants > Le Taxi Jaune

Address : 13, Rue Chapon
Phone : 01 42 76 00 40
Metro/Bus : Station Arts et Métiers, Rue Réaumur / Station Rambuteau, Rue Beaubourg

Between Menilmontant and Oberkampf, this place is not really like others. Taxi Jaune is a little gem nestled in a quiet street of a lively area.

Monuments > Sainte Chapelle

Address : 4, boulevard du Palais
Opening hours : Open every day 1 March to 31 October : 9:30 am to 6 pm 1 // November to 28 February : 9 am to 5 pm // Closed between 1 and 2 pm during the week 1 January, 1 May 1 and 25 December
Phone : +33-1534060-93/97
Metro/Bus : Metro : Cité - RER : Saint-Michel-Notre Dame - Bus : 21, 27, 38, 85, 96 and Balabus

Sainte Chapelle in Paris. Sainte-Chapelle is a gem of French gothic architecture....

Museums > Hotel de Soubise

Address : 60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois
Opening hours : Closed: January 1st, Easter Monday, May 1, 8 May, Whit Monday, Ascension Day, National Day: 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November and 25 December
Phone : 33 1 40 27 60 97
Metro/Bus : Rambuteau (Line 11) / Métro: St Paul (Line 1)

Within the Hotel de Soubise, the Museum of the History of France was founded by Napoleon III in 1867

Restaurants > Bob’s kitchen

Address : 74, rue des Gravilliers
Opening hours : Monday to friday from 8am to 3pm / Sat and Sun 10am to 4pm
Phone : 09 52 55 11 66
Metro/Bus : 3 Arts et Métiers, Métro 11 Arts et Métiers

Bob’s kitchen. Large friendly wooden tables, cardboard plates, very New York organic veggie cuisine...

Restaurants > L'Ami Louis

Address : 32, r. du Vertbois
Opening hours : From 12am to 3pm and from 6pm to 11pm - Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Phone : +33 (0)1 48 87 77 48
Metro/Bus : Arts et Métiers

L'Ami Louis is one of the most expensive Bistrot in Paris. But people came from all over the world to eat the French meals presented there...

Museums > Maison Européenne de la Photographie

Address : 5 Rue de Fourcy
Opening hours : Every day except monday and tuesday from 11am to 8pm. Ticket sales close at 7:30pm
Phone : 01 44 78 75 00
Metro/Bus : Métro: Saint Paul ou Pont Marie // Bus: 67, 69, 96 ou 76 // Vélib' : Station n°4010 : 105-109 Terre plein Saint Paul

The Maison Européenne de la Photographie known as MEP, is a major centre for contemporary photogtraphic art. 

Restaurants > Brasserie de l’Ile St-Louis

Address : 55 quai de Bourbon
Opening hours : Open noon-midnight Mon, Tue, Fri and Sun // Closed in August
Phone : +33 (0)
Metro/Bus : Pont Marie

Typical old-fashioned Brasserie with one of the best summer views in Paris from its terrace which is invariably packed. Brasserie de l’Ile St-Louis is located behind Notre-Dame de Paris.

Paris weather

Paris weather
Clear. Cool.
Wind : 2 km/h - Northeast

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PRZEMEK - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
ADITYA SINGH - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
LOST - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
Alix - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
aizen - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
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