Best Wine bars in Paris

Wine bars in Paris are also considered like a kind of restaurant as usually they offer wine and food at the same time, like imposing assortment of charcuterie (ham, sausages, pâtés) and of real country cheeses.
An occasion to make a gastronomic trip around France and enjoy regional specialties, simply by visiting different wine bars and also tasting of lesser known wines appellations.. Great fun ensured!
In French we call them: bars à vin.
A boire tavernier!
A boire, à boire, à boire !
A boire tavernier !
Met tes tonneaux en perce
Et verse volontiers
En nos verres et nos coupes
Le vin de l’amitié !
Que le bon vin de France abreuve nos gosiers !
Remember that:
In Paris lunch is served from 11:30am to 2pm and dinner from 7:30pm to 11pm.
Restaurants are often closed on Sunday and Monday.
Tipping: all bills include a service charge, but an additional tip of a few euros (for the whole table) is polite unless you’re unhappy with the service.