Cuban restaurants in Paris
This is the listing of almost all Cuban restaurants in Paris with reviews, comments and ratings...
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Cuba Compagnie
A warm, exotic place to drop in for a drink with friends, a few salsa steps or a leisurely dinner! Cuba Companie works its magic on its three levels and three ambiances, a wide range of cocktails and a refreshing cuisine from Latin America. Have salsa lessons every evening, or listen to a Cuban band until 2am!
Cubana Café
Situated Rue Vavin, so close to Montparnasse, the Cubana Café brings you into the exotic, friendly atmosphere of Cuba from 10am to 3am every day %u2013 and even more on the weekend !
Both bar and restaurant, you will appreciate its amazingly warm ambiance of Cuba, right from the French capital!
Le Petit Cuba
BATIGNOLLES – Au coeur du 17ème “bohème”, Le Petit Cuba vous invite entre Caraïbes et Golfe du Mexique pour partager des sensations différentes, tant au restaurant qu’au bar à cocktails.
CUISINE CUBAINE ET MEXICAINE – Pour un repas épicé et rythmé, Le Petit Cuba n’a pas son pareil dans le quartier : quesadillas, fajitas, paella cubaine, gambas à la plancha. Le fond sonore éveille vos envies de Mojito.
ANIMATIONS – Le Petit Cuba propose des soirées thématiques : salsa/bachata ou voyance ou encore concerts live les jeudi et vendredi. Samedi, soirée salsa avec DJ.