Tags search : Museum

Search for "Museum" returned 32 matches

Museums > Rodin Museum

Address : 77, rue de Varenne
Opening hours : Every day except Mondays from 9.30 a.m to 5.45 p.m (April 1st-Sept.30th) and from 9.30 a.m to 4.45 p.m (Oct.1st-March 31th)
Phone : informations:01 44 18 61 10
Metro/Bus : Metro: Varenne (ligne 13) , RER: Invalides (ligne C) , Bus: 69, 82, 87, 92

Rodin Museum in Paris : Bronze and marble works by Auguste Rodin

Museums > Musée de l'Orangerie

Address : Jardin des Tuileries
Opening hours : Every day except tuesday from 9am to 7pm
Phone : +33 (0)1-44-50-43-00
Metro/Bus : Métro : 1, 8, 12 station Concorde - Bus : 24, 42, 52, 72, 73, 84, 94 at Concorde

Musée de l'Orangerie: The world’s most famous water lilies — the ones painted by Monet — have a refurbished home at this museum, which reopened in May 2006 after six years of renovations...

Museums > Centre Georges Pompidou

Address : Place Georges Pompidou
Opening hours : Museum and Exhibitions: 11am to 9pm, (last admissions 8pm), except Tuesdays and May 1.
Phone : Standard : +33 (0)1 44 78 12 33 (recorded message, Sundays and public holidays, and from 7.30pm)
Metro/Bus : M° Rambuteau (lines 11), M° Hôtel de Ville (lines 1 et 11) - RER Châtelet les Halles (lines A et B) - Bus: 21, 29, 38, 47, 58, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 81, 85, 96

The Centre Pompidou, called as well Beaubourg, was born in February 1977 to focus on all forms of modern and contemporary creation: sculpture, painting, books, cinema, video, performances, music...

Museums > Petit Palais

Address : 5, avenue Dutuit
Opening hours : every day except monday from 10am to 6pm
Phone : 01 53 43 40 00
Metro/Bus : Métro : Champs-Elysées-Clemenceau (ligne 1 ou 13) ou Concorde (ligne 1, 8 ou 12) RER : ligne C, station Invalides ; ligne A, station Charles-de-Gaulle-Etoile Bus : 42,72, 73, 80, 93

After a five-year expansion project, the Beaux Arts-style Museum, Petit Palais Musée des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris reopened its doors in 2005...


Address : 104 rue d'Aubervilliers
Opening hours : From Monday to Sunday, 12:00 am - 7:00pm
Phone : Tel: + 33 (0)1 53 35 50 00
Metro/Bus : Stalingrad

CENTQUATRE is a place of artistic creation and artistic production in Paris...

Museums > Musée d'Orsay

Address : 62, rue de Lille
Opening hours : The museum is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9.30am to 6pm and on Thursdays from 9.30am to 9.45pm
Phone : +33 (0)1 40 49 48 14
Metro/Bus : Buses: 24, 63, 68, 69, 73, 83, 84, and 94- Métro: line 12, Solférino station - RER: line C, Musée d'Orsay station

The Orsay Museum - Musée d'Orsay: artistic creation of the western world from 1848 to 1914.

Museums > Thermes de Cluny

Address : 6 Place Paul Painlevé
Opening hours : Every day except Tuesday, 9 am 15 to 17: 45 pm Ticket office closes at 17 h 15 Closed 1 January, 1 May and 25 December.
Phone : 01 53 73 78 00
Metro/Bus : Cluny - La Sorbonne

The bath complex is now partly an archeological site and partly incorporated into the Musée du Moyen Age

Museums > Picasso Museum

Address : 5, rue de Thorigny
Opening hours : Open from Tuesday to Sunday. Closed on 25th December, 1st January and 1st May. Tuesday – Friday: 11.30am – 6pm Saturday – Sunday: 9.30am – 6pm Open until 9pm every third Friday of the month.
Phone : 01 42 71 25 21
Metro/Bus : Metro: Saint-Paul, Chemin-Vert, Filles du Calvaire - Bus:29, 69, 76, 93

The Musée Picasso is situated in the heart of historic Paris, and has a collection of several thousand works of Pablo Picasso...

Museums > Fondation Cartier

Address : 261, Boulevard Raspail
Opening hours : Open every day except Monday, from 11h to 20h, 22h on Tuesdays.
Phone : 01 42 18 56 50
Metro/Bus : Raspail

The Cartier Foundation welcomes all forms of contemporary art without restrictions

Museums > Palais de Tokyo

Address : 13, avenue du Président-Wilson
Opening hours : Open: daily (except Monday), noon-midnight /// In 2011, during the renovation, the exhibitions continue and are open from noon to 9 pm.
Phone : 01 47 23 54 01
Metro/Bus : Métro: Alma-Marceau or Iéna

The Palais de Tokyo, an art deco building that dates from 1937, reopened in 2001 after new interior design by french architects Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal who selected rough and ready style (concrete floor, wall and roof)...

Museums > Maillol Museum

Address : 61, Rue de Grenelle
Opening hours : 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Ticket sales until 18.15
Phone : 01 42 22 59 58
Metro/Bus : Sèvres - Babylone - Rue du bac

Fondation Dina Vierny-Maillol Museum presents more than Maillol's work in many other collections of modern art.

Museums > Museum of Modern Art

Address : 11, avenue du Président Wilson
Opening hours : Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Late opening on Thursdays until 10pm (exhibitions only).
Phone : 01 53 67 40 00
Metro/Bus : Metro: Alma-Marceau Pont de l'Alma or Iéna RER C - Buses: 32, 42, 63, 72, 80, 92 - Velib: 2, avenue Marceau

Built on the occasion of the International Exhibition of 1937, the Museum of Modern Art (Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris) was officially opened in 1961. Temporary exhibitions form a major part of the museum's activity....

Museums > Bourdelle Museum

Address : 18, Rue Antoine Bourdelle
Opening hours : Every day except Monday and holidays, from 10 to 18.
Phone : 01 49 54 73 73
Metro/Bus : Montparnasse - Bienvenüe

Over 500 works of sculpture in marble, plaster, bronze...

Museums > Carnavalet Museum

Address : 23 Rue de Sévigné
Opening hours : from 10 am to 6pm closed on Monday
Phone : 01 44 59 58 58
Metro/Bus : Metro : Chemin Vert, Saint-Paul // Bus : 29, 69, 76, 96

In The Marais district of Paris, the Musée Carnavalet offers the visitor a large collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints and decorative arts on the history of Paris since its origins to the present time...

Museums > Guimet Museum

Address : 6, place d'Iéna
Opening hours : Every day except Tuesdays, 10am to 6pm
Phone : 33 1 56 52 53 00
Metro/Bus : Métro : Iéna / Trocadéro / Boissière. Bus : n° 63, 82, 32, 22, 30

The Guimet Museum of Asian Arts in Paris is one of the best and most comprehensive in the world in his specialty...

Museums > Quai Branly Museum

Address : 37, quai Branly
Opening hours : From Tuesday to sunday 9:30am to 6 pm - Late opening on Thursday, friday and saturday until 9.30 p.m. Closed on Monday
Phone : +33 (0)1 56 61 70 00
Metro/Bus : Metro : Iéna (line 9), Alma-Marceau (line 9), Pont de l’Alma (RER C), Bir Hakeim (line 6). Bus : line 42 Eiffel Tower stop; lines 63, 80, 92: Bosquet-Rapp stop; line 72 Musée d’art moderne – Palais de Tokyo stop

Quai Branly Museum: The arts of Africa, Oceania, Asia, and the Americas in the same museum in Paris...

Museums > Montmartre Museum

Address : 12, Rue Cortot
Opening hours : along the year every day from 10 a.m to 6 p.m
Phone : 01 49 25 89 37
Metro/Bus : Métros : Lamarck-Caulaincourt, Anvers et le funiculaire. Bus : (Montmartrobus), 80.

Montmartre Museum was installed in 1961 in the House Rosimond, 12 rue Cortot, Paris.

Museums > National Museum of the Middle Ages

Address : 6, place Paul Painlevé
Opening hours : Every day except Tuesdays from 9.15 a.m to 5.45 p.m
Phone : +33(0)1 53 73 78 00
Metro/Bus : M° Cluny La Sorbonne (ligne 10), M° St Michel (ligne 4), M° Odéon (lignes 4 et 10) - Bus 21, 27, 38, 63, 85, 86, 87

The Musée National du Moyen-Age in french is located in the Gallo-Roman baths and the Hôtel des Abbés de Cluny (15th century): houses antique sculptures and one of the richest mediaeval collections in the world. Medieval garden...

Museums > Hotel de Soubise

Address : 60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois
Opening hours : Closed: January 1st, Easter Monday, May 1, 8 May, Whit Monday, Ascension Day, National Day: 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November and 25 December
Phone : 33 1 40 27 60 97
Metro/Bus : Rambuteau (Line 11) / Métro: St Paul (Line 1)

Within the Hotel de Soubise, the Museum of the History of France was founded by Napoleon III in 1867

Museums > Grévin Museum

Address : 10, boulevard Montmartre
Opening hours : Every day from 10.00 a.m to 6:30 p.m (the registers close at 6.00 p.m)
Phone : + 33 1 47 70 85 05
Metro/Bus : M° Grands Boulevards (lignes 8 et 9)

Discover a completely renovated Grévin Museum in Paris. Experience the Spirit of Paris of yesterday and of today with astounding scenes : the major events of the 20th Century, French history and. the latest news